Pat J.
Pat J. Cox
Oct 14 1948 - Feb 10 2010
Feb 10 2010
Pat Cox, age 61, of Frisco, Texas passed away peacefully in the arms of her family after a brief illness on February 10, 2010 in Plano, Texas. She was born October 14, 1948 in Wembley, England to Olive May (Clayton) and William Albert Carman. On October 5, 1968, Pat married Michael Cox in England.
Pat is survived by her husband, Michael Cox of Frisco, Texas; children, Sacha Bravenec and her husband, Brian of Frisco, Texas, Matthew James Cox of Carrollton, Texas; mother, Olive Carman of Amersham, England; grandchildren, Kate Bravenec, Devin Bravenec, and Will Bravenec; sister, Hilary Carman of Chesham, England; brother, Nigel Carman of Quainton, England; nieces, Jeni Carman Chart, Ashleigh Carman, and Lauren Carman; nephew, Sam Carman; and other family members and close friends.
Pat is preceded in death by her father, William Albert Carman.
A Memorial Service will be held at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Frisco on Monday, February 15, 2010 at 1:00 PM.
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