Nancy Dana

Nancy Dana Foster
Mar 18 1934 - Oct 03 2008
Oct 03 2008
Nancy Dana Foster was born on March 18, 1934 in Boston, Massachusetts to Rita and Alfred Foster and died on October 4, 2008 in her home in Frisco, TX. She enjoyed an exciting childhood of sailing, ballet and winter sports in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. She graduated from Salem High School and attended Colby College. She then went on to study and dance in New York City.
She married Albert McPhail in 1951 and they lived in Caribou, Maine while Albert was in the Air Force. They moved to Marshall, Texas in 1953 and created a wonderful life for their three children: Leslie, Amy and Douglas. Nancy’s creative and social energy brought many things to this part of the world. She was a founder and first president of the Marshall Symphony League, started a gift shop within the family hardware store and ran a ballet school out of her studio on Riggs Circle. Nancy was very active in theatrical productions at ETBC and Marshall High School and choreographed many productions including Oklahoma!, Bye, Bye Birdie and Music Man. There were many back yard productions of Peter and the Wolf, Copellia, Hansel and Gretel that presented magical moments for many families. She choreographed, directed, designed scenery and costumes for every production with endless passion and attention to detail. Nancy still found time to entertain, sew, paint and travel.
She also started dance therapy classes for nursing home residents and mental patients at Rusk State Hospital. This led to a position as President of the Texas Nursing Home Association. She served on many boards and spoke to many groups about the benefits of an active, stimulating life for the elderly.
In 1975 Nancy and Douglas moved to Dallas, Texas when she accepted an Omsbudsman position with Parkland Hospital. She was very active in the Dallas community and served on many boards. She went on to work for a hospice organization, Beverly Enterprises and the Salvation Army. Nancy enjoyed dancing with the Dallas Ballet in character roles during productions of Nutcracker.
Her long battle with pain and illness led to an early but short retirement. In the late 1990’s she ran for and won a seat in the Texas Silver Haired Legislature. Her incredible writing skills put forth many a bill to protect the elderly and her public speaking abilities made her a popular and respected legislator. She held her seat for many years all the while battling illness. Her contributions will be remembered by many.
Nancy is survived by her sister and family, Joan and Walter Barndt of Grantham, NH and children Beth and Mary Dana; daughter Leslie McPhail Peterson and family Glenn and Molly of Mankato, MN; daughter Amy McPhail Bartell and family Dan, Tim and Paul; son Douglas McPhail of Marshall, TX; and close friends Beverly and David Leonard of Austin, TX. A memorial service will be held at 3:00pm on Monday, October 27 at Church of the Holy Communion Episcopal, 17405 Muirfield Drive, Dallas, TX 75287, ph(972)248-6505. We are very grateful for the Faith Hospice organization in Frisco, TX for their kindness and supreme care given to Nancy in her final hours. Donations can be made to Faith Hospice, 6100 Colwell Boulevard, Suite 225, Irving, TX 75039-3112.
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