MaryAnne Felicity

De La Garza

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MaryAnne Felicity De La Garza

Nov 12 2007 - Nov 07 2007

MaryAnne Felicity De La Garza, daughter of Raul and Alanna, died twelve weeks after conception. MaryAnne leaves behind two sisters: Kayla and Isabella, four brothers: Austen, Elijah, Joseph and Isaiah Benedict. She was preceded in death 4 years ago by her pre-born brother, Maximillian. MaryAnne accomplished so much in her twelve weeks. She began life at conception as a single cell. She grew leaps and bounds in her short life. At her death, she was about three inches long and weighed about two ounces. Before her birth, her little face, fingers and toes were perfectly formed. She could blink her eyes and suck her thumb. Most importantly, she enriched our lives by bringing us closer to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. MaryAnne attended Mass at St. William’s Parish all her life. She was born after death on November 12th, 2007 on the feast of St. Josaphat. MaryAnne’s name has been written in the book of Holy Innocents at the Shrine of Holy Innocents in New York and also in the book of Innocents at St. Anthony’s Parish in Wylie, Texas. MaryAnne Felicity was named after Our Blessed Mother, St. Anne (the patron saint of Grandmothers), and St. Felicity (the patron saint of children who have died). Sts. Mary, Anne and Felicity, please pray for us and take care of our baby. O Lord, eternal rest grant unto our precious MaryAnne, and let your perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. A graveside service will be held at 1:30 PM, Thursday, November 15, 2007, at Ridgeview Memorial Park in Allen, Texas.

