Ernesto Armando
Fernandez Sr.

Ernesto Armando Fernandez Sr.
Dec 31 1899 - Aug 01 2007
Aug 01 2007
Ernesto Armando Fernandez Sr., age 53, passed away on July 31, 2007 in Dallas, Texas.
Ernesto is survived by his mother, Enedina Arredondo; sons, Ernesto Armando Fernandez Jr. and his wife May, Randy Mora and his wife Mindy; grandson, Jaykin; brother, Santa, Saul, Sonia, Marco Pollo, and Margarita Fernandez; seventeen nieces and nephews.
We love you and we will miss you. Te gueremos y te bamos a extrañar.
Y no te olvides de Saludar Al Jefe.
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