Ann Marie


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Ann Marie Standley

Apr 23 1925 - Sep 28 2005

Ann Marie Standley, age 80 of Santa Fe, New Mexico passed away on September 29, 2005 in Plano, Texas. Ann Marie was born on April 23, 1925 in Price, Utah to Gerald and Lillian (Robertshaw) Leonard. She married Fred Mack Standley on September 26, 1945 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ann Marie and Fred moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1952 where Fred was the former Attorney General and a well known attorney. Mrs Standley was an Administrative Assistant with the State of New Mexico. She is survived by her children, Kim and husband Gregory R. Gallegos, of Rio Rancho, New Mexico, Lynn Hart and husband John M. Lopez of Santa Fe, New Mexico and Reed L. Standley of Dallas, Texas; granddaughter, Tierney L. Boden of Frisco, Texas and geat-grandson, Dalton Michael Hicks of Frisco, Texas. A memorial service will be held in Santa Fe and Ann Marie will be laid to rest beside her husband in the National Cemetery.

